Lunes, Abril 22, 2013

Spelling Words and Reading Individual Letters in Norwegian + How to use google translate

Before the useful Norwegian Phrases part I, here is a video clip of the Norwegian alphabet song:
Aa, Bb, Cc så lett som bare Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg og Hh og Ii og Jj og Kk, 
Ll, Mm, Nn og Oo og Pp og så en liten Qq, møøø  Rr, Ss, Tt og Uu, Vv og Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz så lett og til slutt, hva kommer så? Ææ, Øø, Åå

(ABC just as easy as DEFG and G and H and I and J and KLMN and O and P and then a little Q, mooo, RST and UV and WXYZ so easy until the end, what comes next?  Ææ, Øø, Åå )

Remember that when Norwegians ask you to spell something, as in Hvordan staver du det?  (How do you spell it?) or Hvordan skriver du det? (How do you write it?), you have to spell it using det norske alfabetet ( The Norwegian alphabet ).

Similarly, when they read abbreviations of words such as the words below, they also use their alphabet and so should you. Now, can you read the abbreviated words below?

Now open a new tab while clicking on this
Copy and paste the following words

Du er søt. 
Dere er søte.

Then click on translate. Click on the audio button on the left ('Norwegian side') to hear them pronounced.

Now you know how to use google translate. REMEMBER THAT GOOGLE TRANSLATE ALSO MAKES MISTAKES and is NOT ACCURATE ALL THE TIME. It's usually correct when the text to be translated are simple and short but makes inaccurate translations for longer more complex sentences. Do not be too dependent on it and double check translations for complex sentences.

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